“这么早来打扰你们实在是不好意思,但是我需要先带你们参观一下格里斯纳可立学校。我们学校比较大,我担心你们会迷路。(I\'m sorry to bother you so early, but I need to show you around Grishnacoli School first. Our school is bigger, and I\'m afraid you\'ll get lost.)”女士很有礼貌的和他们说,他早上是一大早就被校长一封信从被窝拖了出来。
“不好意思,吓到各位客人了。我们学校因为之前有学生半夜偷溜出学校,被在附近游荡的工人打伤,所以不得不做出这些强制性措施保护他们。(Sorry to frighten the guests. Some students in our school sneaked out of the school in the middle of the night and were injured by workers wandering outside, so we had to take these mandatory measures to protect them.)”女士在马车停下来的时候就已经醒了,看到他们这么木讷的眼神,稍微解释了一下:“我叫斯塔纳维沙,各位客人可以叫我斯塔。接下来我先带各位客人先去参观学校,如果有特殊要求的话,可以提前与我说。(I am in Stan. Why can the guests call me Stan? Next, I will take the guests to visit the school. If you have special requirements, you can tell me in advance.)”
“是这样的,这些都不在我们的考虑范围之内,这种最高级别的私密是由校长先生签订的字条,我们也不知道应该怎么做。(It\'s not in our scope of consideration. The highest level of privacy is the note signed by the headmaster, and we don\'t know what to do.)”斯塔纳维莎把教堂的门推开,他的鞋子踩在这个地面上,发出了咚咚咚的回声,让人有一种心慌的感觉。
当他们即将到校长办公室的时候,斯塔纳维莎朝着他们笑了一下:“各位客人,这里就是校长办公室了。如果您有什么问题的话,您可以询问校长。我的任务已经完成了,希望你们可以享受今天晚上非常完美的毕业舞会。(Ladies and gentlemen, this is the headmaster\'s office. If you have any questions, you can ask the headmaster.My job is done. I hope you can enjoy the perfect prom tonight.)”
“你们好,我是伊芙林.爱丽丝.苏塔。你可以叫我伊芙林,我是格里斯纳可立学校的学校长。(Hello, I\'m Evelyn. Alice .Soutar. You can call me Evelyn. I\'m the headmaster of Grisnakul School.)”女生的声音很有磁性,听起来让人真的觉得很有威严的感觉。
“首先我要给各位客人道歉。很抱歉,这么的突然把你们叫了过来,这次的任务是我发布的。(First of all, I would like to apologize to all the guests. I am sorry to call you here so suddenly. This task is issued by me.)”伊芙林接下来的话直接把所有的人吓到了,他们之前每一次的委托都是通过系统给出的卡片所执行的。从来都没有跟委托人正式的见过面,今天他们还没来得及说话先见面了。
像是在下定什么决心,伊芙林叹了口气:“我们学校之前外面的那些东西你都看到了吧?今天晚上的毕业晚会,我们希望你们可以作为学校的董事方进行出席。这家学校已经不再是公立的学校了,但是我身为校长又是投资人,实在没有办法,以投资人的身份出来见大家。所以我决定,委托你们代替我,以苏塔家族的名义出来面见今天晚上的毕业生。(Have you seen all the things outside our school before? We hope you can attend the graduation dance tonight as the school board. The school is no longer a public school, but as the principal and an investor, I really can\'t come out to meet you as an investor. So I have decided to entrust you to come out in my place in the name of the Soutar family to face the graduates tonight.)”